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You are able to define, which entities should be synced by changing the corresponding file:


Here is an example of the default include and exclude list:

if not EntityUtils then
    _G.EntityUtils = {}

EntityUtils.include = {
    byComponentsName = { "VelocityComponent", "PhysicsBodyComponent", "PhysicsBody2Component", "ItemComponent", "PotionComponent" },
    byFilename = {}
EntityUtils.exclude = {
    byComponentsName = {},
    byFilename = { "particle", "tree_entity.xml", "vegetation" }

Make sure that _G.EntityUtils will be defined and not nil.

You can include entities by their component or file names. In addition you are also able to exclude entities for better performance reasons.

In addition to this there are some settings/configurations inside Noitas Mod Settings:

Mod Settings

Setting Description
Username Name displayed when playing
GUID Globally Unique Identifier
Server IP IP on which the server be started
Server Port Port
Server Password TBC, not possible atm
Server start behaviour On = Starts the server immediatly when starting the run Off = Server has to be started manually
Radius to detect entities Higher value = small freezes, but better sync! Value to low = DEsync!
Connect Server IP IP where you want to connect as a client
Connect Server Port Port
Connect Server Password The servers password. TBC, not possible atm
Radius to remove entities on clients Higher value = better sync! Value to low = strange behaviour!
Key Bindings
Toggle multiplayer menu Not possible atm
Debug settings
Toggle debug (in game) Enable nuid debugger in a run. Nothing you can do with :)
Log level Will be interesting when something isnt working, but for higher fps and performance, keep it on Error!